1. Add Spline Mesh Solutions package to your project
2. Create basic BP_SplineObject (SplineMeshSolutions/Blueprints) or create it using primitive templates
3. Edit shape spline.
4. Edit path spline.
3. Done!
Spline control: Use Left mouse button + Alt button + drag existing point to create a new point. Use Delete button with selected point to delete existing point
Attention: Drag shape points only in shape plane
You can find examples in Maps folder. Check out "Overview" and "Demoscene_Primitives" first
Basic parameters overview
There are two main structures - Shape and Path geometry, many parameters are the same.
To change materials, please edit followed parameters:
Spline Object Main -> Material Shape
Spline Object Main -> Material Path
To change smooth of geometry, edit:
Spline Object Main -> Smooth Shape
Spline Object Main -> Smooth Path
Smooth Shape = 0 - points will generates one-to-one geometry by spline points.
Check Generate tangents to get lighting work right (uncheck it to speed up real-time editing)
Spline Object Main -> Generate Tangents
To get collision please check next bool values:
Spline Object Main -> Generate Collision Path
Spline Object Main -> Generate Shape Front
Spline Object Main -> Generate Shape Back
You can choose geometry which you want to generate:
Spline Object Main -> Generate Geometry Path
Spline Object Main -> Generate Geometry Front
Spline Object Main -> Generate Geometry Back
You can make close/unclose shape/path using
Spline Object -> Shape -> Shape Is Closed Loop
Spline Object -> Path -> Path Is Closed Loop
Spline Object -> Shape -> Shape Cap Unclosed - generate or not cap geometry
You can make a single path spline for multiple spline path objects and modifying main spline - all other objects will be updated.
Spline Object -> Path -> Custom Path (select spline object as spline path base)
Spline Object -> Path -> Use Custom Path
Also you can use main path spline as shape of other Spline Object
Spline Object -> Path -> Custom Path As Shape
Also you can use main path spline as shape of other Spline Object
Spline Object -> Path -> Custom Path As Shape
To Cut geometry by spline path percents (from 0 to 1) you can use:
Spline Object -> Path -> Path Cut Start
Spline Object -> Path -> Path Cut End
To repeate Spline objects with Custom path geometry use
Spline Object -> Repats -> Repats by Custom Path
Spline Object -> Repeat -> Repats at End
To bend shape or path along special bend-shape:
1. Select object with spline you want bend along, and add component tag "YourTagName"
2. Select Spline Object you want to bend and check
Spline Object -> PathBend -> Bend Path Spline Actor
Spline Object -> PathBend -> Bend Path Spline Tag
Spline Object -> PathBend -> Bend Path Along Spline
There are three surface types:
Spline Object Main -> Shape Surface Type -> Triangulation
Generates shape geometry by optimal generated triangles
Spline Object Main -> Shape Surface Type -> Quadrangulation
Generates shape geometry by vertical quads - you can use it for example for curved platformers - to deform spline shape in depth - using bend along spline
Spline Object Main -> Shape Surface Type -> HeightFieldQuads
Generates simple quad height field - works like Quadrangulation but more simple - can be used for 2D terrains